A boutique music marketing company.

Making music takes passion, commitment and dedication. Your PR company needs to have that too.

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Organic marketing that works.

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Harnessing the power of social media takes time and strategy.
We can help you with both.

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Our strength is in orchestrating media, expert advice and strategic efficiency to maximise your profile by tailoring marketing solutions to your needs and budget.


Our services are tailored but everything we do is aimed at reaching people, to facilitate their connection to your music. Have you thought of everything?


Working with such amazing artists – and everything from hip hop, future soul, bluegrass, blues and roots – we’ve always got something going. Check out the latest!


Digital strategy is a crucial service that underpins traditional print and physical release media servicing. You’ll be surprised how far it can reach.


We love our clients and work with festivals, venues, management, labels, and artists of all genres, at every stage of their career. See who here!


Social media is vital, but is yours set up to allow you to use your social media for the fun on-the-fly stuff like, you know, socialising?


Slot machine repair certification exam

Slot machine repair certification exam cost

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Slot machine repair certification classes

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“I’ve already done it mate.” I get sick of hearing it! Every time I have a suggestion to attack things in a different way, Evan is always one step ahead. He’s the man and I’ve long been recommending him and Heapsaflash to everyone I know in music.”

Stavros Yiannoukas


Evan Alexander is a pleasure to work with. His attention to detail and his focus with media is second to none. I would gladly recommend Evan to anybody looking for quality promotion for their artists.

Simon Cahill

“As I unfold my new project with my band The Captains, Heapsaflash have been an awesome and integral part of the publicity team. They obviously have a deep passion for music and have worked really hard to help get our music and gig info out to our audiences. I highly recommend them to musos and record companies who need assistance completing their publicity campaigns and want to work with a motivated team!”

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